
Is Samoyed a Good First Dog (Are They High Maintenance)?

By Abigail Bodeley on Jan 4, 2024 Reviewed by Mick Ford

Is Samoyed a good first dog for a first-time owner? Are they high maintenance?

Is Samoyed a Good First Dog (Are They High Maintenance)?

Table of Contents

Samoyed Temperament

One thing you should definitely sit and think about before getting a Samoyed as a first time owner is temperament.

The Sammy’s cherubic little face is part of what encourages well-intentioned people to rush and get a puppy. Instead of cuddling next to you like the little fluff balls you expect them to be, Samoyed puppies will spend their time digging, investigating, relieving themselves and whining to go outdoors, only to immediately whine to be let back in.

Sammy who are isolated too much will get into trouble.

Are Samoyeds good with other dogs, cats, and other pets?

Samoyeds are usually very good with other dogs, and other pets and they hate isolation.

Samoyed grooming and care

Grooming Samoyed takes time and effort.

While the luxurious coat is good to look at, a quick brushing when the mood strikes is not nearly enough. But is also important to remember that Samoyeds are a natural breed that require no clipping or trimming, only cleaning up after them.

A Sammy is a heavy-coated breed that sheds a lot especially during seasonal “coat blowing”.

The white hair is noticeable, and will lodge in every little crevice in your house. But the long hair is easier to clean up after than, say, a short-haired breed.

Regular thorough brushing to avoid tangling and matting, a few snips with scissors, and bathing when necessary is the the grooming that is required. Mats can occur rapidly especially when a Sammy sheds their puppy coat.

When you get a Smaoyed puppy, brushing will be started as soon as there is enough here. You and your Sammy will then spend a significant amount of time involved in this over a lifetime. It is important that the both make this as pleasant as possible.

Grooming brushes and combs

At the very minimum, you’ll need to invest in two brushes:

  • A pin brush—for the long hair
  • A slicker brush—for the shorter hair on the head and feet

Occasionally, you might also need a steel comb to remove any debris that collects in the longer furnishings.

In any case, a thorough grooming session at least once a week is mandatory.

Dry and wet baths

Dry-bath powders seem to dry out the Samoyed’s coat. This can leading to breaking guard hairs. Without the protective guard hairs, debris goes directly to the soft undercoat immediately setting mats. Thorough brushing with a little misting should suffice between wet baths.

A wet bath is highly recommended at shedding time as it helps remove the old coat.

A Samoyed will do just fine with more than a few wet baths during the year. More frequent wet baths are also fine as long as you use top-quality products that do not damage the coat.

Professional grooming every eight week should suffice.

Exercise and playtime

Samoyeds need daily aerobic exercises. They like to jog, run alongside a bicycle and participate in dog sports. They enjoy weight pulling (pulling a sled is a natural job for them), skijoring and pack hiking.

Samoyed are generally playful with a sense of humor. They become mischevious without adequate exercise.

Obesity is a problem with this breed.

Are Samoyeds good family dogs?

If you think a Samoyed is a perfect fit for you as a first time owner, think about the suitability of your home for one.

Sharing a tiny apartment with a very active dog, for instance, will prove extremely difficult. A Sammy thrives on extreme outdoor activity and must be thoroughly exercised.

In any case, Samoyeds are great family dogs for those who understand the care that the luxurious needs and those who like a white canine shadow.

They are good will people of all ages and will be friedly and affectionate with everyone in the family.